Sleep apnea can be treated with CPAP therapy, which consists of a machine, mask, and tubing. The CPAP machine you use to treat your sleep apnea may, like any other piece of technology, develop problems over time and require repair. If you’re having problems with your ResMed AirSense 10, we have some suggestions for you.
In 2022, one of our most popular cpap machines has been the ResMed AirSense 10, which is praised for its quiet operation and integrated humidification. The AirSense 10, like other CPAP machines, has an expected lifetime of five years, during which time users may have inquiries concerning the device’s capabilities.
Looking for ResMed AirSense 10 troubleshooting assistance? You’ve found it!
Issues with AirSense 10 and How to Fix Them
There might be a simple solution, such as refilling the water chamber or plugging in your gadget, or the problem could be more involved and need investigation. Problems with the ResMed AirSense 10 might affect compliance, therefore it’s crucial to diagnose and resolve them as soon as possible.

If Your Mask’s Air Pressure Is Either Too High or Too Low.
Even though the AirSense 10 has an AutoRamp mode, you may still need to tweak the pressure levels. While waiting for air pressure to build up, turning off the ramp function helps guarantee the pressure doesn’t drop too low, and enabling expiratory pressure release (EPR) helps reduce the pressure slowly so you can breathe against it more easily. Learn more for camping with Your CPAP.
Notice of dry mouth after use.
Air can leak out of a mask during sleep if you don’t use enough humidity or if the mask doesn’t fit properly. If you have a well-fitting mask, raising the humidity may help. Having a dry mouth upon awakening may be rather uncomfortable, so if you feel that your current mask isn’t providing the optimum fit, consider using a chin strap or switching to a full-face mask.

Continuous emission of air from your CPAP machine.
If you are awake and the gadget is still operating, emitting the airflow. After 20 or 30 minutes, it should have finish cooling down to prevent condensation from forming in the tube. This is a common time for people to look for ResMed AirSense 10 troubleshooting guidance, as it is a seemingly random part of the daily routine including shutting off the device.
Leaking Water Chamber
If you use humidification to make your sleep more pleasant at night, this is an issue you just can’t ignore. An incorrect seal or damaged water chamber are the typical causes of a leaky water chamber. If you find any damage to your water chamber during an inspection, select “Broken Equipment” from the main menu. Be aware that every six months you will need to replenish the water in your chamber.
My gadget’s displays and buttons are flashing rapidly
A ResMed AirSense 10 with a blinking screen could seem to be experiencing some kind of catastrophic failure, but in reality, it might just be updating itself. Even if you find your system importing an update right before bed, you can be certain that it won’t take long until you can start using it.

My Therapy Records Aren’t Being Sent to My Provider
Built-in wireless technology in the AirSense 10 transmits your sleep data to ResMed’s mobile app, MyAir, so your doctor may see and adjust your therapy remotely. Check your Wi-Fi connection and make sure your smartphone isn’t in aeroplane mode if your therapy data isn’t being transmitted to your doctor. Keeping accurate records of your sleep treatment sessions relies heavily on a reliable WI-Fi connection. If the issue persists, double-check that data transfer is turned on for the gadget.
The mask or nosepiece keeps becoming wet
The ClimateLineAir heated tube in the AirSense 10 ensures comfortable temperatures and humidity levels, but you may need to adjust the climate control manually to get your ideal conditions. These measures should reduce the amount of water that accumulates, but the user manual you received with your purchase can provide more advice on how to prevent condensation.
Problems with Turning on the ResMed AirSense 10 Display
If the screen on your ResMed AirSense 10 is black and it won’t come on, the device is either asleep or the power has been cut off. Pressing the home button to switch your machine back on or checking that the power supply is connected at all places throughout the device are both simple solutions to common ResMed AirSense 10 problems.
If you ever need to check on a warranty or have repairs done on your system, having the device number and serial number on hand would be very beneficial. Both the device number and serial number may be found on the label on the back of the device, the former providing an extra degree of legitimacy and the latter of security. If you’re just starting out with CPAP, it might be beneficial to familiarise yourself with the most often encountered issues with the CPAP mask and how to resolve them.
Even if you’re having trouble with your CPAP machine or mask, it’s still important to continue using it as directed. Make sure to save this page for the next time you have a minor problem with your AirSense 10’s equipment, and feel free to ask any follow-up troubleshooting questions in the comments section. If you need help fixing your ResMed AirSense 10, visit Air Liquide Healthcare support on our website.